Enlightening moment
It becomes a moment of clarity when you change your entire fantasy world because no one can pronounce the words. A fantastical name is...

The journey
Not sure if this is funny or not, but I managed to pass one of my classes by not trying. I wouldn't read the coursebook because it was...
Losing your brain
Well then, I lost my marbles and decided to go back to school. Why? I don't know, but so far it's been enlightening and fun. School needs...
A Silver Lining in Tragedy
I am so stressed and hormone surges means a few mild attacks. Found out I cannot tolerate bathroom silicone glue, so got a respirator...
In the Pits of Despair
*FRUSTRATED BLOG TYPING* My biggest peeve as an artist of different types is that being a cripple makes it even more difficult to also...
Oh, the humanity!
Well, then. So this actually happened - I made a post about soda. More specifically I was saying that people have no liberty or choice...
Not happy about the state of things
So, welfare recipients are under attack, as usual. This specific one got to me even though it shouldn't have. I'm one of those 'welfare...
Map of Zhy'Araei
I'm working on a full-size map which I will eventually have printed as wall posters for those who love to have a map of the world they...
The new beginning
Though I have been published since April of 2011, I am just getting started with campaigning my work because, well, I hadn't the...